Nick shares new research on the Chumstick Formation.
#67 Sedimentary Siletzia
Nick uses sedimentary units to document Siletzia accretion.
#66 Brian Atwater in the Grand Coulee
Nick reports on a memorable day at Steamboat Rock.
#65 Long-Lived Yellowstone Hot Spot
Nick shares new work on an old Hot Spot.
#64 Picture Gorge Basalts
Nick shares new work on the earliest Columbia River Basalts.
#63 Near Trench Magmatism
Nick dwells on magmas near ocean trenches.
#62 Siletzia & Yakutat
Nick talks large igneous provinces.
#61 Plutons on the Move
Nick looks at evidence that supports moving plutons.
#60 Plutons are Forever
Nick talks plutons in Canada, USA, & Mexico.
#59 Nanaimo Sandstone
Nick talks Nanaimo like a boss.
#58 Swakane Gneiss
Nick looks at important bedrock near Wenatchee.
#57 Crystalline Core
Nick visits the rugged core of the North Cascades.
#56 Mount Stuart
Nick tackles Mount Stuart north of Ellensburg.
#55 Straight Creek Fault
Nick crosses the Straight Creek Fault.
#54 San Juan Islands
Nick visits Washington's San Juan Islands.
#53 Karin Sigloch
Nick features exciting new work by Karin Sigloch.
#52 Insular Superterrane
Nick finishes building British Columbia.
#51 Intermontane Superterrane
Nick dives into British Columbia bedrock.
#50 Ralph Haugerud Interview
Nick interviews USGS geologist Ralph Haugerud.
#49 Darrel Cowan Interview
Nick interviews University of Washington geology professor Darrel Cowan.